Student Conduct Code
SCC is dedicated to the growth of the individual. It also has the responsibility of promoting the common good and of rendering as remote as possible influences which are detrimental to the intellectual and social development of the college community. Students should at all times recognize their obligation as contributing members of the College community and should fulfill them completely. Judicial policies within an educational institution parallel the institution’s academic policies in that they are concerned with promoting an effective academic community, the freedom to learn and personal responsibility. It is every student’s responsibility to help ensure that SCC is an orderly and responsible community, one in which each member is assured of personal safety and well-being, and has the opportunity to obtain the desired educational experience. For this reason, any member of SCC who observes a violation of accepted guidelines or behavior has the responsibility to ensure corrective action is taken. Therefore, any member of the community, student, faculty or staff may report complaints and has a responsibility to do so. Help with preparing a complaint may be obtained from the Student Services staff.
Responsibility and authority for the regulation of student behavior is vested in the President by the Board of Regents. In all disciplinary matters, the President has delegated decision-making authority concerning campus discipline with the Dean of Academics and the Dean of Student Services. SCC reserves the right to determine what constitutes inappropriate behavior and the appropriate sanctions. The list of sanctions includes, but is not limited to, the following: verbal warning, disciplinary warning status, social probation, suspension, expulsion, fines, restitution for damages and exclusion from extracurricular activities. In the case of suspension, a student may be separated from SCC for not less than one term and not more than one academic year. In the case of expulsion, a student’s relationship with SCC is permanently severed. In addition, a student who is suspended will be given a grade of “F,” in cases in which the work of the course has not been completed before suspension.