The library provides learning and information resources which support the mission and goals of SCC. The library has access to on-line databases and the Internet. Students can use these resources for information retrieval. The library has the following academic goals:
- To provide reference and research materials for student and faculty that supports the curriculum and educational programs at SCC.
- To assist students in developing and applying college level research skills.
- To provide resource sharing with other public libraries and tribal college libraries.
- To develop a collection of audio-visual media and materials that will be available for instructional use in the college, area schools and other tribal institutions.
- To provide state-of-the-art library services by integrating technology with on-line databases and Internet resources.
- To house and maintain a collection of printed materials related to the history and culture of the Chippewa Cree people.
Students who graduate from the College are expected to return all borrowed library materials. Those students that withdraw must obtain clearance from the library stating they do not have any outstanding library materials.