Vision, Mission, Core Values and Guiding Principles

Mission Statement

Stone Child College (SCC) is a tribally chartered college established to deliver post-secondary educational opportunities through degrees, certificates, and community education. SCC stresses the importance of preserving the Chippewa Cree language, culture, and history. Stone Child College demonstrates its commitment to student learning and achievement by providing quality educational programs and student services that professionally prepare students for the workforce or further education.

Approved by the SCC Board of Directors during the September 2020 Regular Board Meeting

Core Values

Preserving the Past, Educating the Present, Planning for the Future.


Making our Dreams Happen with Academic Excellence, Culture and Commitment.

Guiding Principles

To provide further specificity to the Mission Statement, the SCC Board of Directors has committed the college to the following principles:

  1. Preserve and promote the languages, cultures, and histories of the Chippewa Cree.
  2. Assist tribal organizations in staff development, planning research and other needed services.
  3. Collaborate with other institutions and agencies in furthering the interests of the college and community.
  4. Continually assess institutional programs and student achievement for increased efficiency and effectiveness.
  5. Maintain a student-centered, life-long learning oriented environment, including opportunities for leadership and community service.