Clinical Experience Level 1 requires candidates to spend 8 hours per week in an early elementary setting working with a cooperating teacher to assist him/her in all tasks related to the responsibilities of a teacher. This includes tasks such as individual and small group instruction, duty assignments, preparing instructional materials, etc. This extended time in a school setting provides opportunities to observe in the classroom, examine the dynamics of the school, assist the mentor teacher with classroom tasks and teach lessons. Candidates will be required to arrange two teaching sessions that will be observed and evaluated by the course instructor. These demonstrations must be in two different subject areas and pre-arranged per instructor availability. Placements will be made by the Education Department Head, ensuring that the clinical experience meets the student’s degree program, academic requirements, and in schools representing the racial/ ethnic, socio-economic, and linguistic diversity in our region. All teacher licensure candidates are required to complete all program practicum field experience requirements for licensure. Performance in clinical experiences is evaluated in four ways: 1) recording attendance and adherence to Clinical Experience dress code and participation policies; 2) corresponding with cooperating teachers and campus administrators regarding your performance at the school and your willingness to complete all tasks given to you; 3) teaching demonstrations evaluations; and 4) weekly seminar participation. We believe that the very best way to learn to be an effective teacher of children is by spending significant time in real classroom contexts. These "field experiences" are a key part of our program at all levels, allowing you to see and hear and even smell what real classrooms are like. Candidates will be required to participate in a weekly seminar to discuss their experiences.




Admission to TEP


EDU 330, EDU 340, EDU 344, EDU 337

